Based on new recommendations from the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine (SMFM), Northwest Perinatal Center will no longer be recommending antenatal fetal testing or surveillance for idiopathic mild polyhydramnios (AFI 24.0 to 29.9 cm).

If mild polyhydramnios is identified, NWP will continue to support you by providing appropriate fetal assessment for potential underlying structural anomalies / growth concerns. As before, screening your patient for diabetes, alloimmunization or exposure to infectious etiologies (i.e., parvovirus, syphilis or CMV) will help to identify possible underlying causes. In the absence of underlying causes, then mild polyhydramnios can be presumed to be idiopathic and additional fetal surveillance is no longer recommended.

Regardless, we remain available to you and your patients for formal consultation if desired. The complete SMFM Consult Series publication can be viewed at: SMFM Consult Series #46, Evaluation and management of polyhydramnios.